When selling luxury homes, be very mindful of how long your property sits on the market. According to a leading auctioneer of luxury homes, when a property sits on the market for more than 180 days – it will likely sell for 20% to 50% below ...
We are still very recently into the latest Donald Trump administration, and already some reverberations are echoing throughout the distant US Virgin Islands, home to many a transplanted misfit.
Some came on sailboats and just never went ho...
I've said it before, and here I go again. If you're moving to the VI from the States, and you're not from the VI - in other words, this is going to be a new world for you - be prepared to either love this place for the very reasons it frust...
There has been a lot of chatter in the media lately about the value of actually purchasing a home, vs. renting. Purchasing has always been the American dream – but number crunchers suggest that by the time you cough up the dough for a down p...
The recent ruling affecting the real estate industry is a blow. Both a good blow, and an ill wind that blows.
It states that Multiple Listing Services around the country whose members subscribe to the National Association of Realtors (mo...
When I started out in real estate in 2007, it was a Buyer’s market - a Buyer’s market on steroids. The strategy was simple – lots of homes out there, lots of eager Sellers. So…offer lowballs. Lowball until a Seller grabs the ball and ...
As a veteran of the East End of St. Thomas, I now find myself happily, merrily, tropically nestled on the island's far West End. The plethora of restaurants, stores, gyms, groceries, ferries – all gone. Instead, I stare out at nuclear-sized...
If you’re looking to buy more than the obligatory socks for the holidays, but are instead in search of a holiday home for your loved one – well, golly gee whiz, as a nearly 20-year veteran of the premier real estate agency on St Thomas, Sea...
As the listing realtor of this extraordinary waterfront property on St Thomas, I’m biased. And, while I hesitate to use this abused word – “unique” - unique does indeed describe Ocean Point Estate. Not only is it built to withstan...
I've said it before, and here I go again. If you're moving to the VI from the States, and you're not from the VI - in other words, this is going to be a new world for you - be prepared to either love this place for the very reasons it frust...